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Alina Roščina
VP Human Resources

Esimest korda avaldas mulle muljet, kui võimas on Sage HR, kui meie salongipersonali liikmed esitasid üksteisele vaid kahe nädala jooksul 11 000 tagasisidet!

The internationally recognized and highly rated Latvian company, airBaltic uses the 360-degree evaluation tool developed by Sage HR to assess the competencies of employees based on the views expressed by the employees themselves. Alina Roščina, airBaltic vice president for Human Resources, shares her experiences where technologies developed by Sage HR are playing a major role.

Iga ettevõtte edulugu põhineb tema töötajatel

We understand that any business success story is based on employees, their loyalty, and their high performance. Employees transmit the attitude they feel from their employer on to our passengers. Every year airBaltic receives a high passenger rating for its service and the team serving passengers is rated as professional. This shows how important this is to our business. That's why we're working on a great many of internal HR processes that we are concerned about, such as introducing new solutions to meet the needs and interests of our diverse workforce, so that employees are loyal and satisfied and will stay with us in the long run and be interested in their daily best performance.

We need an orderly personnel management process

We take care that the personnel management process is well-organized and transparent, Employees should have a clear internal view of their working life cycle in order to have a competitive and motivating remuneration system, other benefits, and that there be a feedback link not only between employees and managers, but also between departments and different project groups, so that people can give feedback, express appreciation and gratitude to each other for their collaboration.

Töötajate osalemine aitab neil mõista ettevõtte ärieesmärke

We also expect great involvement from our staff. Every quarter there is an employee survey aimed at improving work processes and working lives in which recommendations and opinions are welcomed on what is good what it is necessary to improve. Through internal communication measures, we engage employees in business development so that they understand the business and its goals in the long term. This a whole complex of undertakings in several dimensions.

Tööandja bränding ei ole aga ainult personalitöö. See on ühine eesmärk, mille poole püüdleme. Selleks, et meie kui äratuntav tööandja saaksime oma sisekultuuri välismaailmale edastada, kasutame ka suhtekorraldust ja turundust, et meelitada ligi noori töötajaid. Otsime uusi talente erinevate õppeasutuste tudengite seast.

The role of new technologies in company success

One of the components that makes up our image as an employer is the innovations that find expression in our development of different services. This can only be maintained if people inside the company are accustomed to using technologies and solutions both in internal communication and in product development as well and in human resource management.

The Sage HR solution for the 360-degree assessment, which is very important to us -is particularly flexible and adaptable to our needs. In addition, it is being streamlined in the light of comments from managers and employees on their experience of using the system. We also appreciate the fact that the system is available outside on devices and computers outside the workplace, because the Sage HR application, which is very necessary for employees is also accessible if they are on the road for a large part of their business day.

Efektiivsuse tagamiseks oli hädasti vaja personalijuhtimise tehnoloogiapartnerit

We implemented the Sage HR technological solution two years ago, when we changed from an old and quite inflexible system, built with our own IT tools, to something new, much faster and more adaptable to our needs, which at that time were very different depending on the area and department in which the respective function employees are employed. We started to look for a new solution for employee performance management and feedback. The offer from Sage HR representatives was one of the most successful.

At that time, we realized that we could not work in the old style. The initiative for change came from the management side because we realized that a survey once a year makes no sense, and it does not produce results. We have gathered viewpoints from all levels of management, which is about 100 people, and we have gained the essential requirements that managers expect to make the communication process simpler and more efficient and to ensure they really use it and be able to apply it meaningfully in their daily work.

Meeting specifications determines victory

Sage HR was selected in an open competition, in which we address both the suppliers of existing established systems and the start-up Sage HR, which were all directly involved in the development of various tools in the field of personnel management. They were ready to develop a completely new solution for us.

We are currently using the Sage HR performance management tool – the main components are the 360-degree assessment of employee competencies, feedback and goal setting for both performance evaluation and personal development. We use this tool also for the employee onboarding process.

Sage HR’s cherry on top - flexibility and openness

The choice of Sage HR was favored by their own great flexibility and openness – the abil- ity to adapt to our diverse fragmented needs and to build a solution for us rather than offering a finished product. Moreover, in the long run, they were ready to work a perma- nent system update and improvement, error prevention, and changing the process as soon as we need it. The offerings of other suppliers were not as appealing as they were already ready-made solutions that did not fit into one or the other of our criteria, and we saw large IT costs in long-term cooperation with them.

The first success story and accomplishments - thanks to Sage HR

The big surprise, and at the same time, a significant result was the 360-degree poll of cabin attendants where colleagues appreciated each other. Thanks to the fact that the system was very flexible and was also available for the app, it took us a lot less time than in other years. Within two weeks we received 11 thousand ratings to later process and advance our internal process. It was the first successful accomplishment. The other thing, if you look at the challenges, then it should be noted that a new tool does not resolve the issue or shortcomings of the process itself. It is also necessary to educate managers on the progress of the process. The tool is just a tool, and the continuing challenge is to educate managers on how to manage conversations so that they are meaningful and are appreciated by employees. How to make employees feel responsible for improving, progressing and developing their performance. It is significant that the implementation of the tools has made more time for us to focus on collective education and not focus on fixing technical issues or data collection.

Töötajad kasutavad iga päev hea meelega Sage HR tööriista

With the Sage HR tools we have implemented several internal surveys, and we see that the employee response is high. We understand that the tool is easy to use and accessible, and it also appeals to people to give a judgement or feedback to each other. Responsiveness is quite high, and for many employees it is a daily routine to link to colleague. An achievement of the application in providing a feedback link is the introduction of a game element, as colleagues are happy to like someone similar to what can be done on Facebook. The app allows you to give quick feedback to a person, and it remains and is saved. And it is possible to give back a review to a colleague who has given a positive comment. Later, at the company level, we collect data and reward the best or most popular receivers of comments, including the most generous commentators. The element of fun multiplies the amount of feedback, and day-to-day it gives a positive atmosphere when people thank each other.

Erisoodustus – disainmõtlemise lähenemine projekti elluviimisel

During the implementation of the Sage HR system we worked with a design thinking approach, the same as used by Sage HR representatives in their work. This means implementing a large system in small steps. We tested the small steps and improved them at once: we took a prototype, tested, got feedback from users, change something and move ahead. Working with such an approach resulted in a good experience and we are now using it to implement other internal processes. It was an experience that developed us – a nice side effect.

Teiseks suureks eesmärgina seatud hüveks oli anda juhtidele tööriist, mida nii nemad kui ka nende töötajad saaksid oma igapäevatöös ja protsesside edasiliikumiseks aktiivselt kasutada. See oli ülim eesmärk ja ülesanne.

Integreerimine teiste süsteemide ja platvormidega on hädavajalik

One of our main requirements was to integrate the Sage HR system with our existing human resources management system. It was implemented. Also, the access system was set up so that a person could access the system from anywhere in the world.

The Sage HR tool helps managers make decisions

Juhtimise seisukohast on nad nüüd avatumad ja valmis kasutama sellist tööriista töötajate seisukohtade kogumiseks või personali hindamiseks ning nende karjäärivõimaluste või palgaarvestuste läbivaatamiseks. Nad näevad seda infoallikana, mis aitab otsuseid langetada.

Töötaja seisukohast on saadaval tööriist, mis võimaldab igal töötajal kiiresti anda oma hinnangu oma tegevuse kohta või tänada või küsida tagasisidet, mis on osa paljude osakondade igapäevaelust. Niipea kui projekt on lõpule jõudnud, on nad valmis kohe meelde tuletama ja oma seisukohti jagama. Sellest on saanud igapäevase tööelu osa.

Successful cooperation is a pledge for the future

Employees highly appreciate clear performance management. The main this is that the tool meets the needs of employees so that their performance is improved and that they understand that the system is transparent, and they are involved in making decisions and evaluations. Overall, we appreciate the Sage HR approach, openness to our very many different requests and needs. They themselves came with many proposals and quite quickly find new solutions to offer for our problems and challenges. Cooperation is very positive, and we look forward to continuing it as positively as hitherto.


Stories of marketing leaders building insights-driven customer experiences and the data they use to do it

Alina Roščina
Alina Roščina
VP Human Resources

Esimest korda avaldas mulle muljet, kui võimas on Sage HR, kui meie salongipersonali liikmed esitasid üksteisele vaid kahe nädala jooksul 11 000 tagasisidet!

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Anna Jagric
Anna Jagric
Director of Operations

What I love about CakeHR is that you can add on modules as you grow. A lot of the competition doesn't allow that

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Wanda Barquero
Wanda Barquero
Global Holacracy Lead

Before Sage HR we tried another company. It was so complicated — you had to upload information and it was a mess in the end, so we finally left that company. Then we found Sage HR and have stayed with them.

Read interview

Clients Testimonials

Suurepärane tarkvara, mille taga on suurepärane meeskond
We solve the complexity of holidays clashing with Sage HR. It's a a core part of our business that every employee uses. I love how simple it is for our team to request holidays and to monitor sick days also. The interface is nice too.
Craig McCormack
Sage HR is a Strategic Partner for Findasense
Has helped us a lot in the optimization, automatization and agility to handle our employee data and processes like leaves, feedback, goals, etc. We have established an alliance with the Sage HR team and this has allowed us to customize the app to our and being able to find solutions to our daily needs.
Laura Di Prisco
Suurepärane toode!
Managing Time Off for multiple teams and multiple types of time off. Makes it very easy to see where everyone is without having to manage a company calendar. Easy to use on the go with the mobile app and emailing capabilities. Easy to accept someone's time off request within the email with just a click of a button. Absolutely love this tool for our team's time off.
Julie W
Overall Good experience
Otsisin palju erinevaid personalisüsteeme ja Sage HR oli minu väikese ettevõtte jaoks parim peamiselt seetõttu, et sain valida välja funktsioonid, mida soovisin kasutada. Lihtne oli lisada varasid ning otsinguküsimused ja klienditeenindus olid vastuste osas üsna head.
Love it! Should have implemented it from the start!
Sage HR is a very easy and straightforward platform to use not just for admin but the team as well. The look and feel of the platform is great as well, and makes HR a fun part of the company.
Piece of Cake!
Mulle meeldib Sage HRi kasutusmugavus. See on väga intuitiivne, hõlpsasti loetav (mulle meeldib selle välimus!) ja sellega on lihtne uusi töötajaid koolitada. Samuti on väga lihtne kasutada Sage HRi API-d, et integreerida see muu organisatsioonina kasutatava tarkvaraga.
Sarah S.
One of the quickest growing HR systems on the market
Only second to one system, which is unaffordable for us. I look forward to seeing how this company develops. I recommend this system for any growing startup and SME.
Sage HR make PTO sweet and simple
Working with Sage HR has been a dream! There interface is incredibly user-friendly and makes managing our PTO policies a breeze. Managers love being able to accept/deny requests directly via the email notifications, and our employees love having quick access to submit time on the mobile app. Sage HR is well thought out and de- signed.